HBCU Affordable Housing Program
We Specialize in Developing Affordable Housing for Texas HBCUs. Our Nonprofit Solution Allows You to Add Affordable Student Housing Debt FREE. Find Out How.
Our Program Provides,
✔ Affordable Student Housing
✔ On- or Off-Campus Solutions
✔ New Building Planning and Construction
✔ End-to-End Service by Our Team
✔ Backed by Over 20 Years Industry Experience
Our team is dedicated to solving today's housing crisis for HBCU students nationwide, and our debt-free program can help you fill your need for additional student housing, and grow your enrollment significantly. Please call Christina Brown at 682-354-4483 to schedule a time for us to chat. We are not not affiliated with any religious or political groups.
Welcome to The HBCU Solution
With planning, hard work, and precision execution, Project PRC Corporation is building and redeveloping quality affordable student housing for HBCU schools nationwide with a program that allows schools to add additional housing debt free. Our team has over 20 years in the commercial real estate industry, and we use that experience and knowledge to serve our country and its people.

We partner with each HBCU school to find the plan that works. Project PRC is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization whose charitable mission includes making affordable student housing.

Project PRC seeks to lessen the burden of government by assisting school, universities, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) with a new debt-free program.

We have over 20 years in commercial real estate and deep market knowledge that allows us to successfully complete projects on time and on budget.
Current Projects
625 at Prairie View Phase I
120-Unit Multifamily Student Housing Development Project
Prairie View A&M University Prairie View, TX.
Completed and 100% Occupied

Kennedale Oaks Townhomes
38-Unit Multifamily Townhome Development Project
Kennedale, TX.
Set to Begin Q1 2024

625 at Prairie View Phase II
270-Unit Multifamily Student Housing Development Project
Prairie View A&M University Prairie View, TX.
Set to Begin Q1 2024